Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baby Test No. 4

Testing MathJax with TeX Input

Now let's try some displayed math using MathJax (so suitable for most commonly used browsers) with TeX input. \[ x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} \]

That should be it.

Baby Test No. 3

Testing MathJax with MathML Input

Now let's try the same displayed math with MathJax enabled (so suitable for most commonly used engines). This time the "math" element has no xmlns attribute. x = b ± b2 4ac 2a

That should be it.

Baby Test No. 2

Testing MathML Without MathJax

Now let's try some displayed math without MathJax (so suitable for some Gecko and some Webkit engines). I will use the xmlns attribute, which should be inert with HTML5, in case it helps. x = b ± b2 4ac 2a

That should be it.

A Baby Test

Baby Test No. 1

This is a very simple test addressed to the question of how Blogger can be coaxed into accepting raw HTML.

There is no math for now.